Exhibitions Dates: August 15th - September 9th. at the Art Center Cooperative Gallery in San Marco. Visit 1225 Hendricks Ave. Questions call 904.233.9252.
Theme: Masks are used for protection, disguises, rituals and entertainment. In 7000 B.C. masks were used to communicate messages and have been found and used in cultures and countries through out the world. For this exhibit we are looking for full face masks, fun, funny, furry and even a bit scary or perhaps you have a message to convey. Three-dimensional work is encouraged for this exhibition.
Reception and Award Ceremony: August 21st, 2022 - SUNDAY FROM 2-4 P.M.
The Art Center Cooperative, Inc will be hosting the reception both at our San Marco Gallery and online. The exhibition will be highlighted on our website with both an online gallery and an exhibition store with all artwork available for online purchase.
Theme: Masks are used for protection, disguises, rituals and entertainment. In 7000 B.C. masks were used to communicate messages and have been found and used in cultures and countries through out the world. For this exhibit we are looking for full face masks, fun, funny, furry and even a bit scary or perhaps you have a message to convey. Three-dimensional work is encouraged for this exhibition.
Reception and Award Ceremony: August 21st, 2022 - SUNDAY FROM 2-4 P.M.
The Art Center Cooperative, Inc will be hosting the reception both at our San Marco Gallery and online. The exhibition will be highlighted on our website with both an online gallery and an exhibition store with all artwork available for online purchase.
Masks Gallery
Click on any item below to find out more about it. All pieces are for sale online.
The awards will be presented on August 21st at the Opening Reception 2pm-4pm
The winners will also be listed on our website below.
The winners will also be listed on our website below.
About the Show
JUROR - Larry Wilson
Larry Wilson received his Bachelor of Design Degree, University of Florida, Magna Cum Laude. After practicing in Houston, Washington, DC and New York Wilson relocated to Jacksonville Florida where he maintains a studio at the CoRK Art District. Wilson has exhibted in national museums and galleries and his work may be seen at the Steller Gallery, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, The Vault Gallery in San Marco and Signature Gallery in Tallahassee. Mr. Wilson was appointed Chair to the Mayor’s Committee on Art In Public Places by Mayor Peyton and was a Board Member of the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville. Wilson has served as a Trustee on the board of the Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) and has served on the Jacksonville Aviation Authority Arts Commission
Best of Show - Leila Griffith - Pop up Drag Parade in Oaxaca
This beautifully delightful quirky painting is both enticing and spooky at the same time. The expert use of color instantly drew me in demanding closer introspection. After spending some time looking at the images of the parade participants the eeriness and wonderful diversity of masks display a tension and playfuless that cannot be ignored The composition is fantastic and this artist is obviously a strong colorist.
Second Place - Peggy Harrell Jennings - A Mask, A Face, A Story
This painting/collage is deceiving and it definitely messed with my head. I was initially drawn to the work because of its calm soothing coloration. The floral images teamed with the puzzle pieces reinforce the strong haunting image trapped behind a honeycomb pattern (possibly chicken wire?). This is one of those pieces that slowly reveals itself over time. I love the push pull geometric forms in contrast with the organic plant imagery. This work has longevit
Third Place - Annelies Dykgraaf - Portrait
It is such a delight to see a wood cut in the mix. This image is so strong, so confident that it demands attention. The composition is flawless and the use of the strong black &white blocks add a depth and intrigue that I couldn’t stop looking at. The androgenous quality of the face and the boldness of line make the image unforgettable. Fine work that would be a great addition to any collection
Honorable Mention - Pablo Rivera - The Face Within
When I look at this sculpture, I am reminded of the great outsider artist Jesse Aaron. He received the “calling” to do art when he was in his eighties. This work is both primitive and refined at the same time. The commitment to a simple gesture gives it a powerful grace and presence that causes you to pause and spend more time with the work. By expressing the natural material in its pure and unadorned state allows the viewer to edit quickly and focus on the interaction of the two faces, Nicely done.